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My Precocious Yorkshire Terrier, Dolly, has graciously given me a corner on her website. Here I may vent and generally just ramble, but I also will share my interests with you. Hope you like at home with D in "D's" Corner.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Gâteau au fromage et trois chocolats.

Three Chocolate Cheese Cake

My Kitchen Bistro
OK kids, I’m going to get really serious with this one.  (Yes it's my kitchen, Yes I made this and Yes they are my photos) It’s my Birthday and I get serious on my birthday.  A real Ball Buster (excuse my French) A challenge for the cooking hobbyist.  This is a decadent Torte or Gateau that is assembled in four layers.  Anything sounds good when it’s in French. As the name implies it is cheesecake and three different kinds of chocolate assembly (Espresso cookie, Mousse and Ganache.)  Chin up, this is not as difficult as it looks, however it will take a lot of time, around twelve hours, (mostly wait time for cooking and chilling) so pick a day when you have other things to occupy your time around the house.  The key to making a good cheese cake is very slow baking in a “Bain-Marie”, i.e., water bath and the key to not going insane is the prep.  What the French call Mise en place”.  Gather your thoughts, tools and ingredients before you assemble.  If you have to search while assembling then you are going to forget something or mess up the flow.  All sorts of tasty possibilities can be derived from the four basic recipes that make up this decadent torte assemblage.  Example: double the recipe and just make the cheese cake (Layer 2 only)

Layer 1: Oreo Cookie Crust

Making the Crust

Line the bottom of a 9 inch x 3 inch spring form pan with parchment (cut a circle)
Wrap the outside of the spring form pan with a triple cross of aluminum foil; you are going to submerge the pan part way in water later and you need to keep the water out of the cake.


1 Package 15 1/3 ounces of Oreo Cookies (about 30)
4 Tablespoons unsalted butter (Melted)
2 Tablespoons Instant espresso (reduce to powder with a Mortar and Pestle)


Pulverize the cookies (I have a food processor attachment to my immersion blender). In a bowl, add the powdered espresso and pulverized cookies and mix.  Add the melted butter and mix well. Put the mixture in the prepared spring form pan and compress and smooth with the bottom of a glass.  Put the pan in the freezer while you prepare the second, i.e., cheese cake layer.

Layer 2: The Cheesecake

Making the Cheesecake Layer

Pre heat oven to 325 degrees Fahrenheit.
Put a kettle of water on to boil
Get out your stand mixer and paddle (this is kind of a must to get the lightness in the batter)
You will need a roasting pan or a large oven proof container.  As I do not own a large roasting pan, my 12 inch x 2 inch cast iron skillet works perfectly.


2 eight ounce packages of Philadelphia Cream Cheese (room temperature)
2/3 cup regular sugar
1/4 teaspoon kosher salt
1 teaspoon almond extract
2 large eggs (room temperature)
2/3 cup heavy cream


In your stand mixer, beat at medium speed the cream cheese for 4 minutes.
Keep running and add salt and sugar and beat another 4 minutes.  Continue beating and add the extract, then one egg continue beating for one minute, then the other egg and beat for an additional minute.  Reduce the mixer speed to low to stir in the heavy cream.
Now put the foil wrapped spring form pan into the other pan (in my case skillet) and add a few cups of your hot water.  Scrape the batter into the spring form pan the batter will only fill about half of the pan. Put enough boiling water to come half way up the side of the spring from pan, then very carefully (remember hot) put the skillet and spring form combination with your cake into the oven.  Bake for 1 ½ hours, then prop the oven door slightly open and leave undisturbed for 1 more hour.  After the 2nd hour, very carefully remove your assembly from the oven and very carefully pull out the spring form pan and very carefully remove the foil (remember hot water) place the spring from on a rack and allow to cool to room temperature, then lightly cover and place in the refrigerator to cool for another 4 hours or overnight.  When the cake has completely chilled you are ready to move on to layer 3.

Layer 3 -  Le Mousse au Chocolat

Making the Mousse

Here is another use for a Bain-Marie: in this case a double boiler.  I don’t own one so I use a heatproof bowl over simmering water.  In either case the idea is to maintain a low and even temperature. 
You will need three bowls one of which is heat proof; I have a set of 5 stackable stainless steels bowls that I consider “Kitchen Essentials”.  Now making a real mousse (that means one not from a box) is not hard but “Mise en Place” and the exact order of process is very important to be successful. Therefore read the directions before you apply heat, so you understand what comes next.


6 ounces of Good Chocolate ( I use Ghirardelli 60% Cacao bittersweet Chips)
3 Tablespoons unsalted butter (softened)
2 teaspoons instant espresso (reduce to powder with a mortar and pestle)
3 eggs, separated
1/2  teaspoon Cream of Tarter
6 tablespoons regular sugar (4 = ¼ cup)
1/2 cup very cold heavy cream
1/2 teaspoon vanilla


1.    Put the butter and chocolate in a heatproof bowl, over simmering water, melting the butter and chocolate together while stirring with a whisk until smooth and shiny.  Next stir in the espresso powder. Remove the bowl from heat and let cool slightly. (if the mixture is not cool enough the egg yolks will scramble instead of just tempering and cooking) Next add the egg yolks one at a time beating with a whisk until incorporate.  (Set aside)

2.    In another bowl, beat the egg whites until they foam, then add the cream of tartar and continue to whisk.  Gradually whisk in 4 tablespoons of sugar and continue to whisk until stiff peaks are formed.  My Immersion blender with its whisk attachment makes short work of this. (Set aside)

3.    In another chilled bowl, beat the heavy cream until it begins to foam and thicken, then add the remaining 2 tablespoons of sugar and the vanilla.  Whip the cream until it holds soft peaks.

4.    Now gently fold the egg whites into the chocolate mixture.  The catch word here is fold not beat.  Next fold in the whipped cream.  Do not over mix the mousse, but do blend the cream in well. 

5.    Finally put the mousse on top of the cooled cheesecake, while still in the spring form pan.  (at this point your torte will come to within 1/2 inch of the rim of the spring form pan.)

6.    Cover with foil (don’t allow foil to touch the mousse) and chill in the refrigerator for 2 hours. You can speed things up in the freezer but be careful the mousse doesn’t freeze.

Layer 4.  The Chocolate Ganache

Yum, Chocolate Ganache


1/2 cup of heavy cream
4 1/2 ounces of good Chocolate (I use Ghirardelli 60% Cacao bittersweet Chips)
1 teaspoon instant espresso (powdered with a mortar and pestle)
2 teaspoons dark rum


Heat the cream in a small sauce pan over medium heat to just before it boils (do not boil).  Put the chocolate into the cream and remove from heat, stirring until smooth.  Stir in the espresso and rum.  When smooth allow to cool for about 15 minutes then pour over the torte, while it’s still in the spring form pan.  Release the spring form and carefully smooth out the ganache from the center. (Important the ganache must be cool (not cold) before you pour or you will have a mess) Refrigerate at least 2 more hours.

Final presentation:

Decorate with piped cool whip and or fruit to your liking and a small dust of dark chocolate cocoa. Enjoy

Enough desserts for a while, my next blog will be an Entree, I promise.  

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