About This Blog

My Precocious Yorkshire Terrier, Dolly, has graciously given me a corner on her website. Here I may vent and generally just ramble, but I also will share my interests with you. Hope you like at home with D in "D's" Corner.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Raspberry Peach Bread Pudding

Finished Raspberry Peach Bread Pudding

I am always on the lookout for new and inventive recipes and this one is top of the line, for desserts.  I wish I could take credit for it, but that belongs to my neighbor Marlene.  Several months ago, I gave her several pieces of a few different kinds of cheesecake that I make.  I was subsequently rewarded with this spectacular dessert, in turn.  It is by far, one of the best bread puddings that I have ever eaten, albeit a diabetic’s nightmare.  I attempted to coerce the recipe from her and low and behold one day, on my doorstep was my neighbor, recipe in hand.  Of course all good cooks, when surrendering a prize recipe, always forget some crucial ingredient, (it’s called Chef Security) in this case it was the milk, but all inquisitive me, finally got it sorted and off I was, to attempt to make her dessert.  So with her permission I am sharing the results with you.

Mise en Place for Bread Pudding
·        2 8 ounce blocks of cream cheese (Allow to come to room Temperature)

·        1 jar of raspberry jam (small about 12 ounce)

·        1 and 1/3 cup sugar

·        8 eggs

·        2 Cups Milk

·        1 teaspoon almond extract

·        2 teaspoons lemon zest  (about 1 lemon zested)

·        2 teaspoons vanilla

·        3 and 1/2 cup Dry bread crumbs  (About 12 standard slices cut in 1 in cubes)

·        large can of peaches, halves or slices (About 29oz can drained) I used Slices

·        4 teaspoons of sugar

·        1/4 teaspoon cinnamon


1.     Mix cream cheese and sugar until smooth then add eggs, lemon zest and milk.

2.     Put dry bread crumbs in a greased Casserole dish (3 quart 9x13)

3.     Pour mix over bread then put peaches on top.

4.     Add Jam next. Putting small dollops of jam on top of peaches.

5.     Finally sprinkle the top, with the remaining sugar and cinnamon mix

6.     Bake 40 to 45 minutes at 325 degrees (will be golden on top)

Refrigerate several hours before serving and enjoy.

My Neighbor suggested using International Delight White Chocolate and Raspberry Coffee Creamer (Availability is seasonal) in place of the Milk in this recipe.  Well!!! This bread pudding is so sinful, that I now know why Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed. 

Thanks Marlene

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