About This Blog

My Precocious Yorkshire Terrier, Dolly, has graciously given me a corner on her website. Here I may vent and generally just ramble, but I also will share my interests with you. Hope you like at home with D in "D's" Corner.

Friday, May 31, 2013

Reflections from Cafe Martin

Just Me in my Kitchen
Just taking a moment to say Hello: Many years ago, when I had a few pennies to rub together, before retirement, I gave my very outdated kitchen a much needed remodeling. It is small and certainly not conventional, some what eclectic, but it is to my design and needs including a Jennair down draft Grill.  As you've guessed, "Cafe Martin", therefore, is my Tuscan Bistro Kitchen, overlooking, through a six foot "Finestra Giardino", the Herb Garden below and an outdoor gas lamp at the driveway.  I love having breakfast in the morning, at the window, as It provides me a tranquility that is reminiscent of a cafe in places like Florence or La Rive Gauche (the Left Bank) of Paris.  In any case it inspires me. 

The name comes from the decorative lamp, I found at a flea market and gave a prominent place on the Bistro table in my Kitchen.  You will see it featured in many photos, almost all of which were taken by me, using a Galaxy S3.  I enjoy cooking Original or Proven Tasty Recipe's and this blog contains my tried and proven recipes, most original and some with my twists. All winners to my taste buds.  Browse around the site and I hope you enjoy some of my tips and recipe's.  

The joy of my life is my three year old, rescued, Yorkshire Terrier, "Dolly", so you may find a few comments about her as well.  Dolly allows me to share her website, thus the name "D's Corner".  Pay a visit to her, by touching the tab called "Dolly's Home Page" at the top of the page.
Bye for now.  David

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