About This Blog

My Precocious Yorkshire Terrier, Dolly, has graciously given me a corner on her website. Here I may vent and generally just ramble, but I also will share my interests with you. Hope you like at home with D in "D's" Corner.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Strawberries & Almond Pastry Cream Tart

Strawberry, Chocolate and Almond Cream Tart

I know, I know, you’re going to get scared with this one, but it really is easy and can be done in stages, over time, as it will take several hours total.  However it will be SO worth it.  Consider the decorating an art project on a lazy Sunday afternoon.
When I make a dessert (in this case a tart), I Like to add depths of flavor to what I am making.  This wonderful dessert has a lot of delicious flavors to tantalize the sweet tooth.  Use this recipe as a base, then change it up to suit your own tastes.  For Example: Instead of plain Gram Crackers for the crust, I use Chocolate or Cinnamon Flavored.  I always add a Liquor to my Chocolate Ganache, mousse or puddings, such as Grand Mariner or Cointreau (Orange), Frangelico (Almond), Cherry Heering (Cherry) or Chambord (Raspberry) flavored Liquor.  Whatever I happen to have on hand.  Note! Most liquor stores carry Miniatures, perfect for cooking, if you don’t want an entire bottle.  Most of the time when using sliced fresh fruit (in this case Strawberries) I will marinate in 50/50 sugar water and liquor (see previous suggestions).
Fruit (prep)
Marinate Strawberries
1.     Before preparing the rest of the steps, Slice 10 ounces of Fresh Strawberries, reserving the best whole one for a center garnish.
2.     Place into a small bowl.
3.     Sprinkle with sugar (about 1/4 cup)
4.     Pour 2 ounces (4 Tablespoons) of Frangelico over the sugared Fruit
5.     Add enough water to just cover the fruit.
6.     Carefully stir and allow to marinate for at least an hour.
Make a Tart Shell
Gram Cracker Tart Shell
  • 2 cups Cinnamon Graham Cracker crumbs
  • 1/2 cup melted butter
  • 1/3 cup sugar
1.     Combine all ingredients; press over bottom and up sides of an 11-inch Tart Pan. Bake at 400° for 10 minutes. Note! A tart pan is shallow with a removable center. Tip! Lining the bottom with a circle of parchment paper will ease removal and plating.
2.     Set aside and allow cooling for the next step.
Chocolate Ganache
·        9 ounces Bittersweet Chocolate Chips (60% Cacao) (I like Ghirardelli)
·        1 cup Heavy Cream
·        1 Tablespoon Frangelico (optional)
Making Chocolate Ganache is Simple
1.     Place the chocolate into a medium bowl. Heat the cream in a small sauce pan over medium heat. Bring just to a boil, watching very carefully because if it boils for a few seconds, it will boil out of the pot. When the cream has come to a boil, pour over the chocolate chips, and whisk until smooth. Stir in the liquor if desired. The Chocolate will turn from dull tan to Shiny Black when properly tempered.
2.     Pour Ganache into the Tart shell, over top of the Gram Crust, and swirl to coat the bottom completely, allowing the sides to coat as well.
3.     Chill completely awaiting the next step.
Pastry Cream
·        2 cups milk
·        1/4 cup white sugar
·        2 egg yolks
·        1 egg
·        !/4 cup Corn Starch
·        1/3 cup Sugar
·        2 Tablespoon Butter
·        1 teaspoon Almond Extract


Making Pastry Cream
1.     In a heavy saucepan, stir together the milk and 1/4 cup of sugar. Bring to a boil over medium heat.

2.     In a medium bowl, whisk together the egg yolks and egg. Stir together the remaining sugar and cornstarch; then stir them into the egg until smooth.
3.     When the milk comes to a boil, drizzle it into the bowl in a thin stream while mixing so that you do not cook the eggs.
4.     Return the mixture to the saucepan, and slowly bring to a boil, stirring constantly so the eggs don’t curdle or scorch on the bottom.

5.     When the mixture comes to a boil and thickens, remove from the heat. Stir in the butter and Almond, mixing until the butter is completely blended in.
6.     Pour into a heat-proof container and place a piece of plastic wrap directly on the surface to prevent a skin from forming. Refrigerate until chilled before using.

Final Assembly
Assemble the tart
1.     At this point you have a Gram Cracker Shell lined with Beautiful Chocolate Ganache. 
2.     Melt 3 Tablespoons of Raspberry Jam in the microwave (about 30 seconds on high)
3.     Pour on top of the cooled Ganache and thinly spread all over the top of the chocolate.
4.     Fill the shell with the chilled Pastry Cream and smooth out with a hot offset Spatula.
5.     Using the Marinated Strawberries, carefully top the Pastry Cream with a dessert design of your Choice, Placing the whole Strawberry in the center.
6.     If desired, melt 2 ounces more of chocolate over hot water, then drizzle over the top of the tart, finishing off with sprinkled powdered confection sugar.
Chill the Completed Tart
Chill for a couple of hours, Remove from mold and enjoy the decadence.